How to apply

Look at the films below to get to know how to apply or assembly our
products: wallpapers, wallstickers, lovely beddings, minishelves or
plywood dollhouse (the same method applies to out theatres).

If you need instructions how to apply a wallpaper download pdf and watch movie.

How to apply our wallpaper

This is a short instruction how to apply a wallpaper by DEKORNIK. Our wallpaper is really easy to instal and as you can see in the movie - can be done by the big ones and the small ones together.

How to apply our wall stickers

This is a short movie showing you that Dekorniks' wallstickers can be applied by children. They are safe, colorful and easy to instal.

Smart Dollhouse

This is what we call innovation! Dekornik's DOLLHOUSE with our original "JUST SLIDE" method of assembly. No hammer, no screwdriver needed. Just have a look and you wuill find you haven't seen anything like this before. And children will LOOOOOOVE it, we promise.

Smart plywood minishelf

Minishelves that from the forst day are a total hit. Wonderful, colorful and so easy to assembly. Just few moves and you child can put together his or her own piece of furniture. Almost 20 different motives: savanna, space, forrest, toys, birds, dino... come and see!