Choosing wallpaper for a boy’s room can sometimes be a bit more difficult than for a girl’s room. Nevertheless, when we have the opportunity to decide, we usually choose wallpaper according to our inner design…or, to put it simply, we choose wallpaper under ourselves!
The choice of wallpapers for girls is more common, but more and more parents want to provide a unique room design for their sons as well, and we understand them perfectly!
Description: Wallpaper for a boy's room, wallpaper for a kindergarden, Wallpaper’s Dino the most popular motif for boys DEKO.TAP.066
In this article, here we will present the most beautiful boys’ wallpapers author’s designs of Dekornik and more, which will make your child’s room get a whole new character and shine! Thanks to our tips, included in this article, and beautiful photographs (photos come from our show room as well as from friendly influencers) you will gain a ton of new inspiration!
Wallpaper boys with vehicles
By the age of 3, there is often a fascination with machines and objects on wheels. Scientists have not yet discovered the reasons for this fascination, but they are still studying this phenomenon. It is possible that fathers have a hand in it, after all, children have nothing better to do – than watch us 😊.
Description: wallpapers for all boys who love excavators, backhoe loaders, concrete mixers and other construction vehicles.
Nevertheless, children’s imagination can still surprise us. Today there are cars, and tomorrow? A youngster will desire to travel into space… And if space is only with our space wallpaper.
Decription: Wallpaper's for boy's room Cosmos, Magic Cosmos Wallpaper DEKO.TAP.123
Recalling the introduction, we invite you to the world of masculine decorations. Dekornik wallpapers for children allow you to create beautiful arrangements of a boy’s room.
The most popular motifs for a boy’s room?
When we think of a boy’s room the first thing that comes to mind: it’s wallpaper in cars, or other boy’s vehicles wallpaper, right? If there is a young avid lover of four wheels growing under your roof, here are some suggestions:
Description: Wallpaper's with airplanes, wallpapers for a boys room, wallpapers for boys, Wallpaper’s with airplanes DEKO.TAP.121
Wallpaper for a boy’s room with airplanes in blue-gray tones will provide your son with beautiful heavenly dreams. Wallpapers like this go well with white furniture and navy blue accessories: such as carpets or curtains, and even toy boxes.
The most popular motifs for a boy’s room … is MOTORIZATION, of all kinds. In the room of the youngster can include both construction machinery, flying vehicles . Wallpaper in cars, are popular choices of wall decorations for the youngest. In our collection you will find many beautiful wallpapers for boys aged 0 to 10 years. Choose wallpapers with motifs of cars, which will appeal not only to children, but also to fathers and grandfathers.
Explore our most popular boys’ wallpapers
Dear parent, close your eyes how do you imagine the perfect boy’s room? Where would you put the cradle, and where would you put the dresser, the chair? What colorful children’s wallpaper could make this boy’s room take on a whole new character? We have a few suggestions: high-quality wallpaper with a forest theme, or children’s wallpaper with an animal motif will help decorate a child’s room, create a fascinating atmosphere conducive to the awakening of children’s imagination.
Description: Wallpaper's for a boy's room, Wallpaper’s for a boy’s room Animals White DEKO.TAP.057
With a variety of animal motifs, the wallpaper will create a thematic environment that encourages creative play and exploration. It is also a great way to subtly introduce educational elements. It teaches the child to recognize different species of animals. In addition, a well-chosen color scheme can influence the good atmosphere in the little ones’ room by creating a peaceful space for development and play!
Forest motif in a universal version
If you are looking for wallpaper with an animal motif, Dekornik has many attractive proposals for you. Beautiful forest wallpapers and wallpapers with cute animals are an excellent choice for the room of both a boy and a girl. An idea for modern decoration of a child’s room Cute Forest Animals Light:
The animal wallpaper in particular stands out here, which is sure to delight a child up to the age of 10.
Description: The animal wallpaper in particular stands out here, which is sure to delight a child up to the age of 10. DEKOTAP.171
On the other hand, if you want to create a fairy-tale landscape in a child’s space, the “Savanna Adventures” wallpaper:
is an apt choice. This wallpaper will bring the spirit of adventure into the room and inspire a variety of games.
Description: Wall Decoration: Savanna Adventures Children's Wallpaper, Wall Decoration: Savanna Adventures Children’s Wallpaper DEKO.TAP.083
Wall Decoration: Savanna Adventures Children’s Wallpaper
If you are decorating the room of a child up to 2 years old, be sure to take a look at this beautiful wallpaper, our illustrator, one Kaś, is in love with it: It’s a fabulous wallpaper pattern in “teddy bears” perfect for the room of a little boy, a newborn. We clearly see it in our imagination over the baby’s cradle, it will lull him to sleep like this teddy bear from the wall decoration.
What wallpaper for a schoolboy’s room
There comes a point when children’s wallpaper with car or dinosaur motifs must give way to more masculine or universal designs. Before a young boy is faced with the idea of plastering his walls with posters, you can decorate the room neatly. Such an effect is given by wall decorations in a minimalist tone

Photo: Descriptions: SIMPLE Rustic Classic Dark Wallpaper, SIMPLE Rustic Classic Dark Wallpaper DEKO.TAP.331
For example: wallpaper with stripes or perhaps wallpaper with Scandinavian dots. These wallpapers, held in beautiful brown and blue colors, promote focus and calmness, which will certainly benefit the learning process. And did you know that the color white with yellow accents adds energy and motivation to work?
Just look at these arrangements, they all come from the room of small and older boys. Although there are some designs that even a teenager can adopt: these are wallpapers in fish, ships perfect for toddlers, fathers and grandfathers. In our collection of wallpapers you will find many wonderful designs.
Descriptions: Underwater World White Wallpaper, Underwater World White Wallpaper DEKO.TAP.133
You need to know that these nautical or marine patterns have no age restrictions. What’s more, we believe that they will find their way into both grandfather’s and grandson’s spaces. Boys’ nautical wallpapers, you can find the full range here
Descriptions: Magic Of The Ocean Colour Wallpaper, Magic Of The Ocean Colour Wallpaper DEKO.TAP.134
Unlock the Power of Imagination with Enchanting Magical Motifs
Wallpaper with a space motif is an excellent way to create a magical room for a boy. Space fascinates the imagination of young and old alike, and wallpaper with this theme can serve as an inspiring decor element. Children of preschool and early elementary school age are very eager to know what’s overhead… Therefore, they will be delighted with images of planets, stars and rockets on their walls.
What’s more, this design is not childish. As your son grows up, this passion for space travel can continue, and space accents will accompany him during this exploratory time. When it comes to furniture, wallpaper with a space theme is incredibly versatile. It fits both with modern, minimalist furniture, creating contrast and giving the interior energy, and with more classic styling, where it can be an interesting accent.
Colors in the design of a child’s room
Traditionally, it is thought that the color blue suits boys, and pink for girls. However, in keeping with the spirit of the new times, it is worth choosing colors according to the preferences of the child, rather than gender stereotypes. When decorating a room for a child – it is worth betting on colors that harmonize and bring calm to the child’s environment. Children’s space, especially for small boys, should be a place that encourages rest and tranquility. Therefore, bet on colors that will help in this process: white, blue, gray, beige or green… Such Subdued colors promote relaxation.
Wallpaper for a boy what we should remember
In conclusion, choosing wallpaper for a boy’s room can be more difficult than for a girl’s room, but more and more parents are opting for unique and creative arrangements for their sons as well. It is worth paying attention to the child’s interests and following his preferences rather than gender stereotypes when choosing colors and motifs. Wallpaper for boys offers a variety of possibilities, such as motifs of machines, vehicles, animals or space, which can inspire and spark the imagination of a toddler.
When choosing wallpaper for a boy, it’s worth keeping his interests in mind, choosing motifs that suit him. A quick change of wallpaper can help change the decor of a child’s room and give it a new character.
Wallpaper children's imagination
The most important thing we should take to heart as parents: Let the children participate in the process of choosing the children’s wallpaper, which can further increase their involvement in the design of their room and will certainly have a positive impact on their independence.
Description: Wall decorations for the little ones: Wallpaper Adventure Balloons