We always deliver

  • How Fast

    The standard production time is maximum 5 business days, but we try to send the goods as soon as possible so usually it's less than 3 days.

    If you care about time, please check our BESTSELLERS(link) section. Place an order before 1 PM (CEST) and we'll send it to you the next day!

    All shipments are registered and have a tracking number. Once your order is ready, you’ll receive tracking link and notification from courier company.
  • How Much

    In the EU we offer free GLS delivery for orders over 80€.
    If the order does not meet the requirements, the shipping cost is 20€.

    For the shipment for all non-EU countries we are using FedEx. The parcel will reach the most distant part of the world within max. 10 working days.

    Shipping costs are as follows:
    European non-EU countries: 42€
    ROW: 100€

    For all orders requiring customs clearance, we cover all costs related to duties and taxes. There are no additional costs when collecting the parcel.